Under APP draft, Board of Appeals would become Board of Zoning Appeals

Under the draft Area Performance Planning ordinance, the current Board of Appeals will become the Board of Zoning Appeals. This board will continue to handle the variance and appeals cases across the county under the Unified Land Management Ordinance (ULMO), but will take on some new duties in the Southwest Planning Area once the draft is adopted.

As a refresher, the board consists of nine members appointed by the Spartanburg County Council. The draft ordinance requires the members to be residents of Spartanburg County for no less than three years immediately prior to their appointment and remain residents of that area for as long as they serve.

The member appointments would remain the same as in the current ULMO. Of the nine members, six would be appointed from County Council districts, with one coming from each. The remaining three seats would be filled at-large and represent a broad cross section of interests. The members would serve overlapping four-year terms, or until successors are appointed. Spartanburg County Council would maintain a schedule of staggered appointments, with the terms of at least two members expiring each year.

In the next blog post, we will take a look at the responsibilities for the Board of Zoning Appeals, as set forth in the draft of the APP ordinance, which can be found by clicking here.

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