Planning Commission sends performance zoning ordinance to County Council

The Spartanburg County Planning and Development Commission on Tuesday voted to send four key planning documents to Spartanburg County Council for further consideration.

After three years of discussion, as well as review by citizen advisory groups, stakeholders, hundreds of members of the public and two public hearings, the Planning Commission voted to recommend the Performance Zoning Ordinance (PZO) to County Council.The PZO seeks to protect property owners and Spartanburg County’s rich cultural, historical and natural destinations, while simultaneously encouraging sound economic growth. Using growth trajectories as a guide and road classifications as the methodology, the PZO provides the flexibility to accommodate market principles while balancing private property rights.

Starting in the southwestern portion of Spartanburg County, the PZO seeks to encourage existing growth and make accommodations where growth is incompatible through a road classification system. A copy of the proposed ordinance can be viewed here, as well as accompanying road classification map.

Also forwarded to County Council for further review were amendments to the Unified Land Management Ordinance – changes to the county’s current land-use ordinance necessitated by the Performance Zoning Ordinance – and amendments to the county’s subdivision regulations.

The Planning Commission also voted to send a draft of Spartanburg County’s Comprehensive Plan to County Council for further review.

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